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TOWIE's Saffron Lempriere rings in her 30th birthday in a bedazzled white dress as she is joined by racy leather-clad Chloe Sims and the cast 'I'm so proud of us - Granny's gonna love it!' How two DIY novices gave a tired old chair a fabulous new lease of life (and how YOU can upcycle your furniture too!)īraless Lottie Moss lights up a cigarette as she poses for a snap in a VERY racy cut out sheer catsuit for a Harley Quinn themed music video Gwyneth Paltrow and ex Chris Martin pose for smiling selfie with daughter Apple at her high school graduationīuckingham Palace REJECTS Kim Kardashian's pleas to attend Platinum Jubilee official party after reality star flew to London Lady Sarah Chatto, looks elegant in ivory as she takes a pew next to Meghan and Harry in St Paul's Cathedral, joined by her handsome sons Samuel and Arthur Lady Louise Windsor, 18, puts her best foot forward as she joins her parents and brother at the Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral

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